By accepting this disclaimer:

This disclaimer is to inform to our members that CREDIT BUILDER does not guarantee or warranty any outcome of your credit result, we are an educational intuition we will help you understand the credit system and how to use it for your benefit. We improve your credit standing with the credit agencies and we will start by establishing a new line of credit in the amount of $15,000 which is usable ONLY on our site.

Your line of credit will be active as long you are member and in good standing.

If you do not follow our guidelines and our instructions your results may not be maximized, however you will still see results and an increase of your credit score due to activating your credit builder line of credit

We can teach you the game but you need to get involve and participate for maximum result.


 The members shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Credit Builder LLC. and its shareholders, directors, officers, employees, agents , subsidiaries, joint ventures, account servicers ,  and affiliates from and against (i) any and all or claims, damages, losses, liabilities, demands, suits, judgments, causes of action, legal proceedings, whether civil or criminal, penalties, fines and other costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees, expert’s fees and legal expenses) which may result from or arise in any manner out of  this membership program, this training program to teach you about credit the outcome and the result is solely result of  the member action.

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